Identification of potential countries of origin

Through extensive research, we carefully identify the potential countries of origin. Our selection criteria decisively takes into account the level and compatibility of the country’s medical education with Germany’s, as well as other factors such average age and professional experience.

QI Consult is committed to high ethical standards and therefore ensures that there is no brain drain in the countries of origin. We continuously orient ourselves on the number of degrees obtained from universities, or, on the number of completed training courses in the nursing sector, each in relation to the population size. From this, we develop an internal quota for the countries of origin.

Marketing and recruiting in the countries of origin

QI Consult GmbH has established its own infrastructure in the countries where it recruits medical personnel. This way, we are able to reach the relevant online marketing channels, job-seeking platforms, and job fairs where we can contact our target market in their native language. As a future employer, you provide the marketing strategies that we undertake in each country. We are your voice on site.

Identification and selection of candidates

For the selection of candidates, a comprehensive software-supported application process takes place in the target regions. Compatibility with regard to training, character suitability, and evaluation of the documents with regard to recognition in Germany is assessed. By using the QI Consult IT platforms (QI SCOUT, QI MATCH), the recruitment process is transparent for the HR departments of the medical service providers at all times.

The system documents every candidate in the process chain from the moment the personnel requirement is reported. Access to the QI Consult software platforms enables the HR department to “inspect” the candidates at an early stage and at any time, to obtain information about the status of the assessment, and to accompany the process. This way, the reporting of requirements and the matching of potential candidates by and with the cooperation partner are always synchronized.

On-site assessment center

Following the step of “Identification and selection of candidates”, a one-day assessment center with the selected candidates takes place on-site. The aim of the assessment center is to compare the candidates’ personal presence with the requirements for soft skills and their professional suitability.

Using a video interface in our platform (“QI AC”), HR decision-makers can participate in interviews with our cooperation partners and thus gain a personal impression of future employees at an early stage.

Language training I up to level A1

Once the participants have been chosen, they go through an initial online German language course up to Level A1 in order for them to acquire basic listening, reading, and writing skills.

Residence law and immigration preparation

QI Consult provides support with the first residence permit and all the administrative and bureaucratic requirements concerning the right of residence and immigration to Germany. It goes without saying that the current status of our cooperation partners can be viewed transparently at any time via the IT platforms.

Migration to Germany

As soon as the bureaucratic hurdles to immigration have been overcome, the participants move to Germany for training and continuing education.

QI Consult has developed a “carefree” package for this purpose. This includes travel and lodging in a furnished accommodation, as well as the provision of equipment such as: laptop, mobile phone, and public transportation.

Language training Il up to level C1

Nowhere are communication skills and language of utmost importance as in dealing with patients. Therefore, participants undergo thorough and intensive language training, which takes them to language level C1, followed by the specialty language examination.

The intensive language course consists of classroom instruction and accompanying online training. Meanwhile, the specialty course teaches advanced medical terms. It enables applicants to carry out a targeted and patient-oriented anamnesis, teaches good knowledge of medical documentation in written German, and adds the finishing touches to pronunciation.

Both the language training as well as the medical continuing education are carried out by our partner, the renowned Kolping Society Academy.

Medical training and continuing education

The Kolpingwerk Academy of Education also carries out thorough medical continuing training in which candidates receive a thorough refresher course in their chosen speciality.

However, it is also important to familiarize the medical professionals with the legal practices in Germany in order to prepare them for the local IT infrastructure, quality assurance, and, in particular, for the country-specific cultural peculiarities in communication with patients and colleagues.

Preparation for Approbation

Together with our partner, we throughly prepare candidates for the full-day, two-part (oral and medical knowledge) licencing examination, which is mandatory for physicians from third countries.

Entry into employment

Finally, the QI Consult “qualified migration” program supports and assists the candidate in entering the employment relationship at the new employer’s location. This begins at an early stage with observation and initial contacts to establish trust, as well as finding accommodation and dealing with authorities (“Blue Card”).

Long-term sustained support

The IHAU (In-House Acquisition Unit), which is operated in conjunction with QI Consult, ensures that candidates receive long-term support in all questions and problems, such as family reunification from their countries of origin.